Wed, Jul 18, 2018
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) A field of study with the goal of creating machines that exhibit intelligence.
Machine Learning (ML) A sub-field of AI, whose focus is to use data to train computer algorithms to perform tasks that typically cannot be done (or very difficult to accomplish) through hard wiring the logic into a program, because no one is quite sure what the rules are. Recognizing objects in images is one such task where the rules are unclear.
Fri, Mar 2, 2018
序 《富爸爸,穷爸爸》一书是一本十分畅销也十分“另类”的书,畅销书作家罗伯特·清崎用自己的亲身经历讲述了富人如何教育孩子有关金钱的问题,而这些看似常识的关于金钱的观念和知识却是穷人和中产阶级家庭所没有的.可以说作者在此书中一语道破了“富人的秘密”。
积极的财富观 富人不为钱工作。现在社会上所谓的很多优秀人才,都是沿着作者的穷爸爸设定的路径,一路做绩优生,最后拿到了一份社会很认可的学历,但是这个过程中,对于财富的概念并不明确。在毕业那会,觉得能拿到一年十万的offer,简直就是心满意足了。这也真是应征了作者那句话: So many talented people are underpaid。进入社会才发现,这个理想其实对比我们曾经在学业中付出的辛劳实在微不足道,我们其实饶了一个大圈,想着做有素质的人才,找一份光鲜的职业,赚一份不错的工资,但是归根结底,落脚点还是一份好的收入。如果直接把才华和精力放在赚钱这个目标上,寻找最直接的路径前进可能速度早已不一样。如果能够把这个道理明白的很早,工作只是获得财富的一个手段,即获得财富并不是需要找一份好工作。 而且,在作者看来,工作并不能产生财富。所谓的工作不能产生财富,是相对的。工作不能给劳动者与其实际创造价值相匹配的财富。马克思在《资本论》中对此做过很精辟的解释,劳动者出售的是无差别的劳动,但是资本家支付给劳动者的远低于一般劳动的实际价值,由此剥削了劳动者的剩余价值。抛开观点的阶级性,在实际公司运作中,上述理论也是成立的,如果劳动者不能为企业带来额外的价值,公司为什么还要雇佣这些人?即便是哪些收入较高的职业,比如律师、医生、投行,他们获得高收入是因为他们具备一些难以获得的知识和技能,但是相对于他们创造的价值,也是相对低的。因此,如何对自己的劳动正确定价,获取自己全部付出的应有回报?做着的观点是要Mind your own bussiness,鼓励人们投入精力做有利于自己财富增长的事情,比如开公司,做实业投资、金融投资等。这些方式也许并不适合中国的现实社会生态,但是这个观点很重要:工作会让人陷入rat race,生活也会进入付账单养家糊口的循环。
正确的消费观 作者说人都是有欲望的,因为贪婪所以要工作,满足物欲,但是物质满足只能是暂时的,胃口会越来越大,所以想要更多。我认为这是对人性的精准阐述。问题是,穷人和富人消费观念有什么区别?拿我的一位认识的人举例,他出国旅游一趟,花费了四十余万在购物上面,这在北京已经足够三到四个普通家庭一年的开销了,但是对于他来说并无负担,他的房租以及购买金融资产带来的收益,可比这多多了,于是在同一年,他又张罗着给自己换了一辆豪车。而那些刚毕业一两年的姑娘,省吃俭用两三个月,就是为了给自己买一个LV的包,然后过地铁都不愿放在安检的机器上怕弄脏了。这就是富人和穷人消费的区别:富人不用考虑对自己财务状况造成的影响,穷人反而反其道行之,购买奢侈品等来营造自己购买力的假象。再换一个角度想想,不是二代的话,谁都有穷的时候,这个时候,多积攒一些金钱,用于投资,不论是提高自己综合能力或者去购买房产或金融产品,而不是用于消费,十年之后,结果完全是两样。消费的产品在物理上可能早就灭失了,带来的愉悦早已过去,如果投资,这时候可能就是一笔不大不小的财富了。
Fri, Jul 22, 2016
Table of Contents 1. The purpose of software tests 2. Testing terminology 3. Using JUnit 4. Using JUnit 4 5. Eclipse support for JUnit 4 6. Installation of JUnit 7. Setting Eclipse up for using JUnits static imports 8. Exercise: Using JUnit 9. Mocking 10. Overview of JUnit 5 11. Comparison of annotations between JUnit 4 and 5 12. About this website 13. JUnit Resources Appendix A: Copyright and License This tutorial explains unit testing with JUnit 4.
Sat, Apr 16, 2016
How to talk about the economy
GDP -> gross domestic product
This is the total value, the total monetary value of goods and services within a country. fiscal
anything to do with money, anything to do with financial matters, especially when we’re talking about taxes. fiscal year : it’s the beginning of its tax year to the end of its tax year. quarter
Wed, Mar 16, 2016
How to imporove your listening in English
Watch movies or T.V.
first time use your native language subtitle then change it to English subtitle Watch without subtitle Listen to music
not to learn grammar lyric Go out
go out to the country where people communicate in English. listen to people talking make friends with foreigner
Fri, Feb 20, 2015
Original address: A Gentle Guide to Machine Learning
Machine Learning is a subfield within Artificial Intelligence that builds algorithms that allow computers to learn to perform tasks from data instead of being explicitly programmed.
Got it? We can make machines learn to do things! The first time I heard that, it blew my mind. That means that we can program computers to learn things by themselves!
The ability of learning is one of the most important aspects of intelligence.
Thu, Jan 1, 2015
Hi, my name is Lin Qi ,and I graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, with a Master’s degree of Engineering in 2018. My current location is Beijing, in China. On the web and with friends, I am also known as "larryqi", which has been my nickname since a long time ago. You should probably also know that I do not have a sleep schedule, which means that I am usually awake whenever there is work to do.