How to talk about the economy
Sat, Apr 16, 2016GDP -> gross domestic product
- This is the total value, the total monetary value of goods and services within a country.
- anything to do with money, anything to do with financial matters, especially when we’re talking about taxes.
- fiscal year : it’s the beginning of its tax year to the end of its tax year.
- three months
- first quarter of the year
- this is the money that is used in a country or a region.
- it can be a noun or a verb. A “budget” or “to budget”.
- means to make a plan on how to spend a certain a mount of money.
deficit / surplus
- deficit: they need to spend more money than they have.
- surplus: you have more money than you need for the budget.
inflation / deflation
- inflation: “inflation” is when prices of good and services go up but wages stay the same. So, basically, the purchase power of the individual goes down.
- deflation: That’s when prices go down and the value of your dollar or your currency goes up.
- Both situations are not good, a little bit of each is okay. Too much of each is bad for the economy.
- Inflation, prices go too high, people can’t afford things; deflation, companies don’t want to produce.
- ”Stagnation” means there’s hardly any movement, up or down. It means everything stays more or less the same.
- the ability to borrow money.
- you have a bad credit
- ”debt” means owning. You own money to to someone, usually the bank
- the economy is in decline, usually if the economy is in decline for two consective quarters, then you can consider the economy to be in recession.
- if the recession continues for a long time, may be a couple of years, then you have a depression.
- We have a housing bubble, it means the prices of the houses, in this particular case, are growing, growing, growing. There is no real reason that they should be growing.
- and then suddenly they pop or they burst
- the burst will always come
boom / bust
- boom : very good, growth
- bust : bad, shrinking
- boom up; bust down